An Incubator of Ideas

New Ventures for Social Good…

ImagineNations Group (ING) continues to fulfill one of its original purposes: serving as a platform to incubate high-impact charitable initiatives and then launching them as independent social ventures.

ING currently serves as fiscal sponsor and advisor to More To Her Story, Opa Health and Story Matters.

More To Her Story

The digital news agency and platform dedicated to improving the odds for women and girls. We put women’s and girls’ voices front and center, pushing for a world where policies align with real needs and mainstream stories reflect the authentic experiences of women and girls everywhere. We reach an average monthly audience of 1.5 million.

Story Matters

The Story Matters initiative empowers people to discover, embrace, and share their story. With a global perspective and trauma-informed process, we curate opportunities for people to connect to their stories and their purpose through retreats, workshops, and live events. We share stories through art and media platforms including film, photography, & spoken word.

Opa Health

Opa Health is about promoting health and preventing disease. Helping the world shift from disease care to wellness, prevention and community resilience. We believe a healthier world begins with connecting young people to a simple idea: the choices I make today determine the quality of my health and life tomorrow.